Monday, 31 October 2011

Now for something completely different

Every morning, when I get up early enough... but not too early, I get to enjoy the company of some brightly colored crossing guards.  The best part is that they generally wear bush hats.  Furthermore, they'll help me cross the road, even when there are no children around.  Considering that I tend to be a poor road crosser, this can be a great help. Usually I'm busy fumbling around in my mind and the blow of the whistle and the brightly colored jacket will get my attention, allowing me to safely cross the road. Another enjoyable sight in the morning is that all of the school children have to dress in purple sport jackets and ties, at least the school children at the school near work.  Even the girls  have to wear ties.  After talking to some Aussies, they may have convinced me that uniforms aren't altogether a silly idea.  Apparently, there are fewer cliques in Aussie schools and bullying is kept to a minimum.  One has to wonder if this corresponds with the lack of individuality, superiority, or inferiority associated with uniforms.  Then again, one also has to wonder if creativity is lowered or raised under such conformity.  On one hand everyone does the same thing, but on the other hand, this may force children to embrace different outlets of creativity.  The great Pink Floyd tells us that conformity at school just adds another brick to the wall, but also informs us that if you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding.  I for one do not have the answer.  All that I can tell you is that I laugh a little when I see the purple people.   

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