Friday, 9 December 2011

Fish and chips

One of the big advantages to being near the ocean is the fish and chip shops.  At least, I'm assuming that it's the fresh fish that make these shops so delicious in the Australia/NZ area.  However, after searching online, I found out that the recipe is very simple (i.e. flour, beer, water, and salt) and I'm assuming follows the same recipe that they have in the UK.  In America, I haven't seen this simple recipe used, based on memory.  Maybe it's because I'm from the Midwest where we don't typically have fresh fish at the supermarkets.   

Anyhow, from what I have seen, every town in NZ or Australia seems to have at least 1 fish and chip restaurant.  Some of my favorites are pictured here.  The first one can be found in New Plymouth, New Zealand.  I tried fish from this one before the USA played Russia during the Rugby World Cup 2011.  Speaking of sports, I have seen fish and chips at every stadium and event that I have been to thus far down under.  As for the second picture, it is at Cape Palliser.  There was a little old lady serving up the food and some good ice-cream.  The location was beautiful, sitting between mountains and the Cook Strait.  Anyhow, I'm getting hungry and think I should go grab myself some fish and chips.  

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