Tuesday 19 July 2011

Animals of Victoria

I made a recent trip down the Great Ocean Road, which, is a, generally good, road that goes along the ocean, leading west from Melbourne.  This trip was my first trip out of the city, since being in Australia.  There were two wallabies along the road during the trip.  The locals of Melbourne tell me that wallabies are horribly destructive if you hit them with a car.  They are the "deer" of the south.  Although, I think the worst thing to hit would be a moose or cow.  That aside, wallabies are hilarious.  They have an enormous butt that bobs like a rabbit when they bounce away.       
 They also have Tyrannosaurus Rex arms.  I have no idea what they could use those arms for.  Wallabies appear to be a very stout animal with a very low center of gravity.  I would imagine that they are very hard to push over.  Cows on the other hand...  There was a big group of cows getting led down the road by a 4 wheeler during the trip.  This experience reminded me of my hunting experience in Wyoming.  It was nice to experience an Australian cattle drive. 
The other interesting Australian animal is the tourist.  I find that tourist destinations can be quite an obstacle course.  Many people like taking pictures from across walkways... which is fine.  However, it seems like there is a correlation between length of time to take the picture and the amount of the walkway the picture taker/receiver take up.  It makes me think of the obstacle course scene in First Knight.  Lancelot has to sprint, then stop and wait for a swinging axe, and then sprint, while straddling the side of a walkway, then duck and crawl.    

1 comment:

  1. Interesting observations. You need to get out of the city more to enjoy the scenery!
